Recreational Soccer offers players ages 5-16 years of age a positive and motivating environment to play soccer year-round. Volunteer & Competitive coaches motivate players to develop their skills and learn the game in a variety of soccer settings.
AYSC offers 4 Recreational Seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, & Summer. Our recreational players can sign up for 1 or all 4 seasons depending on their level of interest in soccer.
We create Co-ed teams with kids grouped by similar age and ability.
If you would like to coach a recreational team, please contact Felipe Abreu at [email protected] to let him know you are interested in coaching. Recreational Coaches are volunteer coaches and must complete the FREE but MANDATORY background check and Safe Sport Coach Training.
4 Recreational Seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall
Spring Recreational 2025 Season
Wednesdays evenings, April 9th - May 14th, 2025
Price $225 (includes a full kit)
Time: 6:30-7:30 or 7:30-8:30 pm (youngest groups plays earlier)
Location - O'Malley Sports Center Courts (Same building as FlyTrampoline)
Players will work on skills for 15 minutes then play a game for 45 minutes.
Players need to bring a soccer ball, water bottle, wear shin guards, and indoor soccer shoes or tennis shoes, no cleats.
Registration is Open Click HERE
Summer Recreational 2025 Season
Summer Season Dates: Tue/Thu Start Date: June 10th End date: August 8th
Break: No soccer from July 1st - 4th (July 4th is Friday) and July 15th - 18th (Sterling Camp Week)
Practice & Game Times: TBD
Price: $225
Location: Games will be played on the soccer fields at Javier Dela Vega Park
Registration for summer COMING SOON!
Fall Recreational Season 2024
Fridays one day a week on the courts at O'Malley Sports Center (Same building as Fly Trampoline)
11th October - 15th November
Teams will play either 5:30-6:30, 6:30-7:30, or 7:30-8:30 pm youngest first
Price $200 (includes a jersey & insurance with the State Soccer Association)
Players will work on skills for 15 minutes and then play a game for 45 minutes.
Registration closed

Frequently Asked Questions...
What does my player need? They will get their jersey on their 1st day and they need to wear shorts, tall socks over shin guards, bring a soccer ball, and a water bottle.
What type of shoes do we need? When we are playing on grass or artificial turf you can wear soccer cleats, when you are playing on courts you need to wear NON-Marking soled shoes or indoor soccer shoes.
Do we play soccer in the rain? Yes! Dress for the weather and dress in layers, kids can always take off jackets, hats, and gloves so bundle up! We DO NOT play if there is lightning or if the air quality is poor.
What size ball do we need? 2.5-5-year-olds need a size 1 or 2 soccer ball, 5-8 year-olds use a size 3 soccer ball, 8-12 year-olds use a size 4 soccer ball, and 13 and older use a size 5 soccer ball.